What Does the Dentist Look for During an Oral Cancer Screening?

If you’ve gone to the dentist recently for a routine appointment, you might have noticed that there’s another component to your visit aside from the standard dental exam and the teeth cleaning: the oral cancer screening. Check out our blog post to find out what dental professionals are actually doing when they check for oral cancer.

How to Handle a Dental Emergency

Emergencies can be incredibly stressful. This blog post is designed to take the edge off any dental emergency you may encounter! We explain what constitutes a dental emergency and how our staff can help get you happily smiling again.

Dealing with Jaw Pain?

You may have experienced a toothache before but what happens if you feel discomfort in your jaw? When you’re dealing with jaw pain, it can make everyday activities like speaking and eating a real struggle. Read our blog post for a look at the causes and treatment for jaw pain.

Signs a Root Canal Is Needed

Root canal therapy sounds more intimidating than it actually is! In fact, root canals are a relatively common procedure that can save the health of a natural tooth. There are many signs that may point to the fact that you need root canal therapy. Read our blog post to learn more about this treatment and what signs may indicate it’s necessary.

How to Prevent Cavities

Cavities are one of the most common dental health problems. They are also preventable with proper oral hygiene. Read our blog post for our top tips to prevent cavities.

Root Canal Myths Debunked

If you’ve ever had a root canal, you know by now that there’s nothing to be afraid of. But if you haven’t, you probably dread the thought. And that’s thanks to a few pesky myths that have long surrounded the root canal procedure. Check out our blog post where we take a closer look at these myths.

Teeth Whitening: In-Office vs At-Home

Teeth whitening is one of the most common cosmetic dental procedures. A brighter smile is easily obtained with teeth whitening. But is professional teeth whitening at a dental office better than teeth whitening you can do at home? Check out our blog post where we weigh the pros and cons of each.